The Effectiveness of Fat Loss Protein Supplements

Fat Loss protein is maybe the most widely known out of many different kinds of supplements.

However everyone should keep in mind that such supplements are not needed to achieve a fat loss goal. What matters in order to succeed in such a goal is to consume daily a certain percentage of our total calorie intake through proteins.

How much protein should we consume?

According to P. McCarthy published in Physician and Sports Medecine, nowadays Americans consume about 12% protein out of their total calorie intake.

The average athlete and bodybuilder consumes 25-35% protein.

It is generally accepted that the recommended amount of protein to consume daily is directly linked to the activity level we keep on a daily basis.

In a study from Josephine Conolly-Schoonen (published in Medscape Diabetes & Endocrinology, 2001;3(1)) protein consumption should be 0.8 gr per kgr of body weight for sedentary people, 1.2-1.4 gr per kgr for generally active people, and 1.4-1.8 gr per kgr for bodybuilders and athletes.

Sidebar:If you are not using the metric system 1Kgr=2.20462pounds= 35,27396ounces = 0,15747stones

Where to look for protein

There are two ways to get the much needed protein in your body and both are equally effective:

a. From the foods and natural sources

b. From fat loss protein supplements.

Most of us receive most of our daily intake in protein through red meat and poultry. Other sources rich in protein are fish and eggs.

As for our vegetarian friends the protein consumption goal can be achievd by consuming a combination of beans and legumes which provide all the needed amino acids in order to synthesize protein.

However, it is observed that there are times that due to our busy schedules or due to different taste requirements, that protein intake through food is not enough. If that is the case then it would make sense to use fat loss protein supplements which can help provide the body with all the necessary amounts of proteins.

The advantage of using such supplements is that it is targeted to our individual needs and thus offering an optimized path to our fat loss goals. Also fat loss supplements are widely used among athletes and bodybuilders as their needs in protein are greatly elevated and food cannot provide lean protein without unnecessary calories from carbohydrates.

A disadvantage of such supplements is that, due to their chemical nature, although they are proven generally safe,they are not a compound that nature provides thus making the utilization of them, for long periods of time, an average choice of a fat loss supplement.

There are several most common types of protein supplements, which include:

•Protein powders, namely soy protein, whey proteins, diet protein, egg protein, wheat protein, casein protein, and many others. Protein powders are considered more concentrated protein sources than other types of supplements.

•Protein bars, like low calorie protein bars, low carb protein bars, snack bars, or energy bars. This type of fat loss protein supplements is designed to be used as a meal replacement supplement, too.

•Weight gainers, like creatine supplements or some protein powders.

•Meal replacement powders (MRPs), special supplements which go in the form of bars, shakes, or others, and can be used to get the nutrition a person needs.

•Amino acid tablets.

There is a certain discussion about the fact, whether it is more effective to use natural foods or the mentioned fat loss protein supplements to satisfy our daily needs in this nutrient.

Foods are more natural, cost effective, and have more significant nutritional depth, while supplements are more handy and more balanced.

According to Mark Sisson, an American fitness specialist and author, for those who lead an active lifestyle and have moderate needs of protein, it is best to use natural sources of this compound. Sisson offers using such foods as grass-fed beef, chicken meat, tuna fish, salmon fish, almonds, organic yogurt, and quinoa as the best natural sources of proteins.

However, for athletes, bodybuilders or dieters, an increased dose can be recommended in order to to use extra sources of protein, including high quality fat loss protein supplements.

How to choose among a great deal of different labels

a.Quality is one of the key factors when it comes to choosing one of the labels that are out in the market. In order to measure quality we have several indexes which provide that indication of quality. ---- 1. BV which stands for Biological Value.
BV is an index which indicates the absorption levels of a fat loss protein supplement from human bodies. The higher the BV the higher the quality of the protein. On the top of the fat loss protein list are whey and egg proteins with BV over 100.Milk proteins with BV 91, beef protein with BV 80, and soy proteins with BV 74 are also very effective proteins.
All types of plant-based proteins, like bean protein with BV 49, are considered low in its effectiveness due to their lower BV indexes.

2. Net Protein Utilization.
Net Protein Utilization is the ratio of how much amino acid was converted to protein, to total amino acid supply. NPU closer to 1 indicates higher quality of protein.

3. Protein Efficiency Ratio
Protein Efficiency Ratio shows the ratio of body mass gain to protein consumption. Higher values are linked to better quality.

b. Manufacturers information is also a factor to be calculate when buying fat loss protein supplements. A highly reputable manufacturer provides us with the ease of mind that they are extremely careful to what they sell, as their reputation is on the line, and with the raging competition between companies it is very easy to go out of business for selling a defective product on the market.

c. Finally the level of process of the proteins are another indicator as to which label we should choose. Best fat loss protein supplements contain pure and least processed proteins. Having that in our mind we should always remember that protein concentrates are generally considered less pure type of proteins, compared to isolate.

According to the research work of the experts at National Strength and Conditioning Association, whey protein, casein protein, soy protein, and egg protein should be generally considered the best quality proteins.

If all the above mentioned information is too much for you then my final suggestions are these:

1.Find an experienced and trustworthy fitness specialist with whom you can talk (avoid magazines which are published by the companies themselves).

2.Determine with that specialist your individual needs based on your fitness goals , your current health condition and your workout routines.

Discuss all of the above indexes with your specialist and decide what to use with his/her guidance.

That is the only way you can be as sure as possible that you have made an educated decision with the help of someone who’s job is to provide such guidance and succeeds in helping other people achieve their own goals.

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