How Can Spiroulina Enhance our Everyday Lives

Spiroulina platensis, as this is its original latin name, is a sort of blue-green microalgae which is known and commonly used as a dietary supplement.

It originates from two types of bacteria which are called Arthrospira maxima and Arthrospira platensis and they are mostly found in subtropical and tropical warm water volcanic lakes.

It is considered a highly nutritious food as it is rich in protein, antioxidants, Omega 6, amino acids, minerals (like iron, calcium, zinc, copper, selenium, magnesium, copper),vitamins such as vitamin C, vitamins B complex, vitamin E and vitamin K..

What do scientists have to say?

In the last few years this specific superfood begun to attract much publicity, therefore scientists begun to study it in order to map all the ways that it can be helpful to people.This effort produced a great amount of scientific research results, regarding its generic health benefits and its therapeutic properties, such as :

a. Two studies ,one from a team of scientists at the University of California (published in the Journal Of Medical Food, 2000 Fall; 3(3): 135-40 ) and another from a team of scientists in North Carolina State University (published in Immunopharmacol Immunotoxicol 1996 Aug; 18(3): 465-76) leaves no doubt that it can give our immune system a great boost.

b. One study from a group of Chinese experts (published in Anesth Analogy, 2009 Apr; 108(4): 1303-10), a second one from a group of Cuban scientists published in two publications (Mediators of Inflammation, 2002 Apr; 11(2): 81-5 and Arzneimittelforschung / Drug Research 2000 Dec; 50(12): 1106-9) and a third one from a group of American scientists at the University of Carolina (published in Med Hypotheses. 2004; 62(4): 507-10, prove that consumption of spiroulina supplements has several anti-inflammatory and anti-viral benefits.

c. A study from a group of French scientists at the Université Montpellier II (published in the Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry 2001 Mar; 49(3): 1625-9) concludes that its consumption improves blood quality and functions.

d. A study by the experts of the Ohio State University (published in the Journal of Cardiovascular Pharmacology, 2006 Jan; 47(1): 9-20) concludes that it is an excellent cardioprotective mean.

e. Three studies by experts in Mexico (published in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology International, 1998 Apr; 44(4): 787-93, Journal Ethnopharmacol, 1999 Feb; 64(2): 141-7, and Medical Hypotheses, 2009 Mar; 72(3): 330-2) all conclude that it is also a powerful hepatoprotective mean (which means that it protects our liver).

f. The findings of a research published in the Journal of Medical Food, 2005 Spring; 8(1): 27-30) claims to have proved it to be an excellent anti-allergic.

g. Two studies studies published in Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2000 Aug 18;275(1):20-5 and in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2005 May 18;53(10):4207-12) proved the antioxidant health benefits of Spiroulina.

h. According to the experts at the San Francisco Medical Research Foundation, this particular superfood has recently showed great potential in cancer and AIDS treatment.

A weapon against fat or not?

As you can already understand there is a great deal of scientific research that provide proof for Spiroulina’s great therapeutic capabilities but there is a lack of respective scientific findings which prove that it is also a fat loss mean when used as a dietary supplement.

By doing some research of my own I was able to discover a study (published in Nutrition Reports Int'l, Vol. 33, No. 4, pg 565. Germany) which was conducted 25 years ago, in Germany , which delivered some evidence on possible positive effects of using it to maximize the effectiveness of an obesity treatment, based on the combination of using it with a low calorie diet and daily physical activity.

Rather than using it as a fat loss mean, you could use it as a natural indirect support, for preventing weight gain. According to recent findings by experts of the Wright State University School of Medicine (published in South Medical Journal, 2008 Oct; 101(10): 1024-31), spiroulina can be used as an excellent natural source of vitamin B12 and folates, the nutrients vital for preventing anaemia, which usually results to low energy levels thus creating a perfect environment for weight gain.

Spiroulina is a natural supplement which has next to zero side effects. However my recommendation to everyone sharing this information is to consult your physician or health care specialist prior to commencing the consumption of any dietary supplement, including spiroulina. The doctor who has been following the course of your health condition is the only one who can provide suggestions for the use of any dietary supplement, no matter how harmless we believe them to be.

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